We begin with thorough diagnostics, including a Calculated Valuation conducted by our credentialed valuation professionals, and assessments in two distinct areas: attractiveness and readiness. These diagnostics solidly benchmark your starting point.
Introductory Call
- We listen and ask questions to gain a basic understanding of your particular situation and concerns. Where appropriate, we explain our collaborative business valuation and transition planning process and set a time to meet with you.
Gathering and Evaluation
- If you wish for us to determine the attractiveness, readiness, and value of your business, we will quote a fee for this initial engagement and will request and evaluate tax returns, financials, corporate information, and other business documents. Where appropriate, we will ask additional personal and financial questions as well as request subsequent supporting documentation and data.
Initial Assessment Visit(s)
- Understanding the attractiveness and readiness of the business and owner is important to the planning process. We visit with you to conduct the following assessments: Business Attractiveness, Business Readiness, Personal Readiness, and Financial Readiness.
Build the Valuation and Assessment Reports
- The Calculated Valuation combined with the Attractiveness & Readiness Assessments uncover realizations, options, choices and action plans that will lead to increased business value, cash flow and more personal time for the owner.
Present the Results and Develop the Prioritized Enhancement Initiative Plan
- We take you step-by-step through the results of the Assessments and Valuation reports, identifying the gaps, concerns, and opportunities within key business drivers including risk mitigation, strategic initiatives, operational and technology efficiencies, growth opportunities, and possible culture improvements. We review potential future ranges of value and pinpoint opportunities and threats to be addressed. Then, together, we set the parameters, goals, fees, and 90-day Sprint timelines for the next engagement, the Enhancement Initiatives.
- Our clients’ goals and dreams vary, but often include multi-generational ownership of the business, the sale of a business, new ventures, philanthropy, travel, as well as other ways to make a difference in the “what comes next” time of life.